Come to stay in the one of the best hotel in the East-cost of Madagascar. Andasibe Cyperus Hotel is between 2h 30mn and 5h for drive from the capital of Madagascar (Antananarivo).
It is established in the heart of green forest in the East, Andasibe Cyperus Hotel is one of the Hotel 3 stars, it opens for their clients, and we have 20 specious comfortable bungalows in the heart of endemic nature always keeping safe. It’s a lifetime for the unforgettable holidays with many free activities in Hotel like: kayak, swimming, pool …. Enjoy the delicious food cooked by the chef who recommend to you the different Menus and exotics in its original presentation it’s a pleasure for the greedy. In the break time, appreciate the quiet of your stay. Where is in private terrace or take your time for relaxing due to the massage session with the vegetables oil. Explore and re-explore absolutely the end of the escapade time for the long holiday.